Empowering Education,
Transforming Lives

We believe that every student deserves to pursue a brighter future through education. At AdmissionPrep, we are committed to unlocking doors to opportunity and shaping the future for tomorrow’s leadership, one application at a time.

Years Supporting Students
Over 20,000 students supported1

The AdmissionPrep Story

AdmissionPrep began when Madison found herself overwhelmed by the university admissions process. With countless schools to choose from and a myriad of application requirements, she and her parents felt lost and unsure about how to identify the best opportunities for her.

Determined to find a solution, Madison immersed herself in researching schools, scholarships, and the intricacies of the admissions process. Her dedication paid off, and she secured a scholarship and with it, pursued a Bachelor of Commerce.

From Madison's personal struggle & learnings, AdmissionPrep was born. AdmissionPrep has since grown into a source of guidance, tailored strategies, and unwavering support for over 20,000 students across North America pursuing education.

Who Students Will Work With

Each student receives dedicated support from a team of experts that each specialize in different aspects of the admission process, to provide comprehensive guidance for college admissions.


A family’s first point of contact. Each student is assigned 1 Educator.


  • Run consultation calls with families
  • Builds an initial plan
  • Recommends a program based on family & student needs
  • Recommends a program based on family & student needs
  • Assess if the student can find success in the program

Admissions Coaches

The student’s primary support coach.


  • Holds 1-1 coaching sessions with students
  • Builds a detailed, in-depth plan for the student
  • Offers guidance and advice
  • Checks in on the student
  • Help students brainstorm ideas, review applications, interview practice, and much more

Essay Editors

Experts that review essay applications.


  • Reviews essays and written work submitted by students
  • Provide detailed and actionable feedback on how to improve a student’s essays
  • Provides essay feedback in 24-48 hours


Alumni from top schools


  • Run workshops on important admissions topics
  • Answers student questions on specific industries, schools, or anything else

Live Chat Team

Your support team, available 12 hours a day, every day of the week.


  • Answers questions submitted by students through our in-app live chat feature.

(Em)Powered By Tech

At AdmissionPrep we combine face-to-face education consulting & asynchronous learning through our platform. Students can access admissions resources, see their progress, meet their coach, see what’s coming up next, at anytime from anyplace.
AdmissionPrep App Dashboard, with different features highlighted including: A button to book 1-1 sessions and get guidance, a place to track progress, a feature to access writing support, a life chat bubble feature, and a list of upcoming deadlines.
Leadership Team

The people behind AdmissionPrep, dedicated to developing AdmissionPrep to be the most effective online admissions coaching service.

Jason Yee

Chief Empowerment Officer
Built AdmissionPrep with Madison and grew the service from a single Excel sheet to a thriving, comprehensive solution and community servicing more than 20,000 future leaders.

Madison Guy

COO & Founder
Began AdmissionPrep with the vision to help students achieve more academically. Has personally coached over 500 students.

David Hoban

Head of Enrollment
Coached an enrolment team of nine and elevated the performance and professionalism of each Educator, creating confidence from every student’s first point of contact.

Linasia Niazi

Student Success Manager
Trained three student success teams, including our Admissions Coaches and Essay Editors, to learn the ins and outs of the education system and provide personalized, student-first service.

Arry Pandher

Head of Growth
Steered GrantMe's growth and outreach by managing a full-suite marketing team. Created programs to help students win over $4,350,000 in scholarships.

Jake Guy

Product Manager
Defined AdmissionPrep’s mission as a program that specializes in demystifying the university application process. Executed strategies to develop branding and the program rollout.

Adam Griffiths

Engineering Manager
Developed the AdmissionPrep platform, including features to track application progress and connect admissions coaches with individual students.

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